Following students returning to school in person under Plan-B, it was announced on Oct. 14 that carrying cases for Chromebooks would be available for students.
Students returning to school have been given school issued Chromebooks for their work, in order to minimize contact tracing. Carrying cases for those Chromebooks are now available, and students will be able to receive one in their first period class next time they are on campus if they have not already.
Chromebook cases are also available to students who have checked out school owned Chromebooks, and are choosing to remain on Plan-C for the semester.
Sophomore Katelyn Barron thinks that carrying cases are a good way to protect students’ Chromebooks as they are carried to and from school. Having cases for Chromebooks will also make it easier for students to keep track of their Chromebook and make them easier to transport.
“I think it’s a good idea because they are less likely to break them,” Barron said.“I also feel like it will lessen my anxiety about carrying one around.”
These cases, provided by the Henderson County Public Schools technology department, are by VivacityTech. Sophomore Annelise Eidt has received one of these Vivacity Tech cases, and had good things to say about it.
“So, I haven’t had my school chromebook case for very long, but my first impressions are that this case is very sturdy,” Eidt said. “The walls are padded on both sides and structured so that even if it’s under weight or pressure it won’t break the chromebook. It has a couple straps on it too, so you could carry it around if you needed to.”
The purpose of these cases is to make sure that school issued Chromebooks won’t be damaged as students transport them to each of their classes, and to their homes. If you have not yet received a case for your school issued Chromebook and need one, they are available for checkout in either the media center or the office.
By: Lauren Harron, Feature Writer