Senior pictures for the members of the rising senior class will be held June 22, 23, 24 and 25 at Johnson Farm from 9 a.m to 4 p.m.
Seniors that need to reschedule senior pictures can contact Lifetouch by phone or email.
“We have assigned days in June, but the photographers are there through July. It’s possible to call and change your appointment,” yearbook adviser Brenda Gorsuch said. “I highly recommend having them done in the summer. You’ll have your proofs back in the fall. You’ll be able to pick which one you want in the yearbook. We will have one make-up in the fall. If you have other obligations that afternoon, there won’t be another time to have your picture made for the yearbook We don’t want you to be left out.”
Lifetouch representative Jennifer Kay said that texting 4098516 to 99000 can benefit seniors with picture reminders and coupons. Students may save money on the sitting fee by bringing canned goods at $1 per can.
Tips for hair styles and clothing choices are located on Lifetouch’s website The photo session will consist of multiple poses and backgrounds including modern, classic and environmental. Lifetouch offers up to 16 images and two outfits for a $20 dollar sitting fee. Tuxedos and drapes for the senior yearbook portrait will be provided.
“(Having senior portraits in the summer) helps seniors who are having their formal pictures taken to have a change of outfits and to have their hair perfect and their make-up perfect. They can’t do that after school in the fall. It’s really important that seniors have their portraits done in the summer,” Gorsuch said.
To change your appointment time, call Lifetouch at 828-684-0390 or email