Wow. All I can say is wow. “Endgame” was absolutely amazing. From action sequences to dialogue, I never wanted to take my eyes off of the screen. I made sure that I went to the bathroom before watching this movie so I would have no trouble sitting through the three hours and two minutes of pure bliss. I enjoyed every single second of this movie; however, when the credits started rolling, it felt like part of my childhood had died off.
The first Iron Man movie was released on May 2, 2008, which kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It’s taken 11 years and 21 movies to get to this point. I remember watching that first Iron Man movie with my dad, and when we watched “Endgame” together, there was a heavy feeling of nostalgia all throughout the movie.
Unlike “Infinity War,” where many important characters didn’t have much dialogue, there was more character development and even some twists on characters we thought we knew. Seeing Captain America, Thor and Iron Man on the big screen together again is something that we’ve all grown accustomed to, but you’ve never seen them like this before. There are some slow spots, as there are in any movie, but knowing that all the MCU movies have been leading up to this final battle makes you watch every scene with intensified emotion.
When you finally finish the movie, be prepared for some mixed emotions. This will not be the last MCU film, but it will feel like the end. It will feel like the end of summer break and you’re headed back to school. There has been no other movie like this one, and nothing can prepare you for the emotion, action and fanboy dreams it can bring you.
My verdict is 9.7/10.
By: Stone Hogan, Feature Writer