School safety has become an increasingly significant issue across the nation. Although statistics from the K-12 School Shooting Database show that a school will most likely never experience a shooting, fear-fueled by attacks like those in Parkland, Florida have led to school systems pushing safety initiatives.
Henderson County Public Schools has issued a new door system at West with the intention to protect the safety of the students and staff. The newly installed door serves as a new entryway to the office, ensuring that any students or visitors must go through the office before entering the rest of the school. An added wall between the new door and the current door will be installed during the weekend of Feb. 23, separating the school from the outside.
“This is our school’s first step in making sure that kids are safe while they are at school,” administrative assistant Pam Smith said.
After seeing countless acts of violence all over the news, many students and staff members are enthusiastic about what is being done for the safety of the school.
“I am for anything that is going to make our school a safe environment in such a crazy world,” health and physical education teacher Allyson Warren said.
As the project continues, not everyone is as supportive as others. Many students and faculty find this new installment to be an inconvenience.
“I am a little worried about how much time this is going to take,” sophomore Laurel Welch said. “It seems a bit time-consuming to have to go through the office in the mornings.”
Despite the drawbacks, ensuring school safety in a world full of violence is a priority in Henderson County according to faculty.
“We can feel more secure knowing what the school is doing for us,” freshman Laurel Jennings said. “It may be a little more inconvenient, but the added safety will definitely be worth it.”
By: Emily Chambliss, Staff Writer