The construction workers recently completed the installation of new seating in the auditorium. The theater has not been renovated since 1991 when the soundbooth was added. Photo by Justin White.
Students and community members attending concerts and shows in the West auditorium will be “sitting pretty” this fall after construction workers recently completed the installation of new theater-style seating.
“We had to pick out the color, and we had to pick out the style. We all met and looked at the different colors and designs and then had to come up with a decision,” Principal Dean Jones said.
The new seating, installed by Perfection Equipment Company, features a black metal background and a dark blue, cushioned area. The seats have increased in width for added comfort, and a new section has been added for handicapped access.
“Ideally, when you turn the lights off in the theater, it should go completely dark. You have a full blackout, and I think that those seats will blend right in with that atmosphere,” dance teacher Resi Dolbee said.
New curtains the same royal blue color as students are accustomed to will soon be installed along with a backdrop curtain for the dance and theater students to use for added special effects.
The school received the money for the renovations after a process that took years to complete. Jones explained how he was able to procure the funding for the renovations.
“Every year, a principal has to put requests for capital needs. It might be roofing, it might be paving, it might be any capital project,” Jones said.. “Then through the process of budget meetings and school board approval and all this, then the system districtwide decides which projects they will do and what order and the availability of funds and that sort of thing. The total costs of installation of just the seats was a little under $90,000. It all came out of the Henderson County Public Schools budget.”
Students have been aware of the need for renovations and have asked about upcoming changes.
“Every time something would fall apart, they’d want to know,“ theater teacher Kelly Cooper said “The curtains weren’t a huge issue until a couple of years ago. They are made to last a certain number of years, and then they start falling apart, and you cannot repair them yourself. Basically, the material is disintegrating.”
Dolbee agreed. “In the past we have had issues with curtains not closing when they need to and chairs breaking when we needed to have a seat. The students were aware that things needed to be repaired.” Dolbee said. “We have to use the stage as a classroom, for a paint-shop, and for all of our rehearsals for theater. Our theater receives a lot of action, and a lot of activity. It’s going to get more wear.”
The auditorium was originally built in 1960. In 1991 the sound booth and an extended part of the stage was added. The curtains being replaced were originally installed in 1990 thanks to the generous donation by former Superintendent Glenn C. Marlow superintendent and the hard work of a team of dance students. Also in 1991, fabric cushions were added to the seats for the first time.
Jones, Cooper and Dolbee all said they are anticipating the completion of the theater renovations.
“When you have nice facilities, you take pride in them and certainly our community will come and see the nice seats,” Jones said.
By Rachel Raasch