F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel The Great Gatsby and the “Roaring 20s” will merge to become the theme for the 2014 West Henderson junior-senior prom May 3 at the Crest Center in Asheville.
Directions can be found on the Crest Center website www.thecrestcenter.com. The prom will begin at 7 p.m. and end at 11 p.m. Guest applications will be available the first week in March and must to be returned in by the last week in March. Tickets will cost $50 for students who did not sell magazines and for guests.
“Everyone is excited about the theme this year,” prom coordinator Teresa Davis said. “I’ve even had freshmen ask me if they could read The Great Gatsby. The juniors have read it or are going to read it, and the movie with DiCaprio just came out last year, so everyone can relate to the theme. There’s just so much excitement over prom. I think there’s going to be some interesting attire. The boys have already been talking about top hats and canes. We’re hoping this will be a party like only Gatsby could do.”
The junior class officers are currently working to make final decisions on decorations and invitations for the prom.
“To get ready for prom, we’re currently having weekly meetings with the prom committee,” President Mollie Jones said. “I think it is going to be one of the best proms the school has ever had. I’m going to do everything I can to make it a great night for the juniors and seniors.”
By Amy Turlington