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The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

Storify: West Upperclassmen attend prom

Storify: West Upperclassmen attend prom

May 12, 2016

[<a href="//" target="_blank">View the story "West Upperclassmen take on Prom " on Storify</a>] Juniors and seniors attended the annual...

Spirit week to kick-off Homecoming festivities

Spirit week to kick-off Homecoming festivities

October 2, 2015

The homecoming football game has been scheduled for Oct. 16 against Brevard. During halftime the homecoming queen will be crowned. The homecoming dance, which is semiformal, will be Saturday, Oct. 17. Representing...

2015 homecoming court announced

2015 homecoming court announced

September 21, 2015

The Class of 2016 has announced the 2015 homecoming court. Representing the freshman class are Caroline Corn and Shylee Stocks. The sophomore class representatives are Grace Gash and Jessica Norris. The...

Rate of teenage e-cigarette use rises

Rate of teenage e-cigarette use rises

February 19, 2015

English teacher Teresa Davis passed back graded papers to her junior English students.  She noticed an odd fruity scent wafting through her classroom, but she didn’t think much of it. A student sat...

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Sydney Hogan