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The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

Review: "Holmes and Watson"

Review: “Holmes and Watson”

January 17, 2019

It's elementary, dear. "Holmes and Watson" is a waste of your hard-earned cash, and I won't be surprised when it graces the $5 movie bin in my local Walmart. The only thing that kept me in my seat was...

Review: "Bandersnatch"

Review: “Bandersnatch”

January 7, 2019

On Dec. 28, 2018, Netflix presented the world with a belated Christmas gift in the form of “Bandersnatch,” the 'choose your own adventure' extended episode of the show “Black Mirror.” The film,...

Teacher co-hosts radio talk show

Teacher co-hosts radio talk show

September 24, 2018

Monday nights on the WPTL Real Country station, EC (exceptional children) teacher Mike Matthews takes the mic to co-host a radio talk show called The Locker Room Sports Show. Matthews says that the radio...

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Katie King