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The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

Con: Should the minimum wage be increased?

Con: Should the minimum wage be increased?

May 16, 2013

In his 2013 State of the Union address, President Barack Obama proposed raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 an hour by 2015. In reality, such a move would ruin the chances of teenagers getting jobs...

Students face costly challenges with driving expenses on the rise

Students face costly challenges with driving expenses on the rise

February 28, 2013

Junior Daniel Hough stared at the gas pump and anxiously watched the numbers roll higher.  He knew it would be expensive to fill the 15.9-gallon gas tank in his truck, but he did not expect the price...

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