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The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

Reaching the top

Reaching the top

May 22, 2017

The senior opened an envelope from his dream school. He had been working on his college application for four years, spending hours volunteering, studying for every test and joining extracurricular activities. He...

Spinning back around

Spinning back around

May 19, 2017

She recalled her younger self listening to the same album over and over again. She was intrigued with its color. Gifted to her by one of her grand-mothers, the album of the Broadway show Oklahoma played...

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Local band drawing fans

January 27, 2017

At the Greenhouse Motorcycle Cafe on Haywood Road, new local band Panic Succession has become a household name. On recent Thursday nights, the band plays before a packed venue during the Cafe’s “Open...

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