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The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

The Student News Site of West Henderson High School

Wingspan Online

"He Said"/"She Said"; Rape prevention coordinator calls sexual abuse an ‘epidemic’

“He Said”/”She Said”; Rape prevention coordinator calls sexual abuse an ‘epidemic’

December 1, 2014

Music pulsed through the party as people danced together, pressed front to back. A girl wandered around the crowd, disoriented and clutching her drink as tightly as she could. Someone she barely recognized...

Former East Henderson High School Student on the Dr. Phil Show

Former East Henderson High School Student on the Dr. Phil Show

September 26, 2013

A local man accused of rape by a high school friend recently took his case national by appearing on the Dr. the Dr. Phil Show. Former East Henderson High School football player James “Matt” Bishop...

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