Introducing the newest gas station and attraction in Hendersonville: Sheetz! Called by some a “mini Buc-ees” and by others, a “better Circle K”, the refueling staple of the Northeast coast joined the scene with their new location on Aug. 15. Sheetz has gas more than thirty cents cheaper than the closest alternatives, and blows the competition out of the water. The gas station is home to five truck fueling bays located behind, and six regular pumps located in front, with prices as low as $2.69 per gallon for unleaded 88 and $2.99 for diesel.
Among the various stand-out features, is the accompanying restaurant and drive-thru that provides mediocre food for the price, with the exception, of the ten dollar per month unlimited curly fries. With the gas station and restaurant being open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this means as many fries as one’s heart can desire. The fries, usually costing over four dollars for a paper cup that provides just enough for one to realize that they do want more, only need to be purchased three times to earn their value back. If after eating an excessive amount of deep-fried potatoes your mouth feels dry, you can purchase a small slushy for $1.39, coming in about 66 cents higher than Circle K’s prices. If the slushy is too cold for a cool fall or winter day, you can buy a mediocrely flavored hot chocolate or some sauce-less, and slightly dry wings.
At Sheetz, there is even a self-checkout line where anyone can purchase anything in the store other than alcohol or nicotine-related items. With the free app, people are also able to pay for anything ahead of time, including food and milkshakes. In addition to already having the order prepared for when customers arrive, there’s also a delivery service available. In the app, there’s a point system where, with every purchase from the gas station, points can be earned to bring down the cost of the already cheaper gas.
To summarize, Sheetz is an adequate addition to our local Hendersonville area, but it’s just another gas station. It can’t be compared to other gas stations like Circle K or Buccee’s in any category other than the price of gas.