The art class is at the center of all creativity at West. Most people peek in and see the walls covered in students’ latest drawings and smell the fresh paint. Now the art teacher, Mrs. Kelly King is trying something a little different. Mrs. King let Arianna Worrell bring her tattoo gun. Worrell has been working towards becoming a tattoo artist for about a year now. She thinks of tattooing as a form of art and practices often on prosthetic skin. Lots of students were excited to use the tattoo gun and tried their hand at some inky art. Mrs. King even tried it herself and had a lot of fun doodling with ink. There was only one tattoo gun so everyone had to share one at a time. Even so, everyone who tried it had fun. They have been at it this whole week creating lots of interesting drawings. Arianna’s favorite things to tattoo were little cartoons that made people crack up. Arianna had to watch very closely as people used the tattoo guns just to make sure no one gets an accidental tattoo. Arianna also says that tattoos really don’t hurt so if you are afraid to get one because of that she says go for it. When asked what if people were afraid they would regret it, she responded “If you get something that you know you will like for the rest of your life, like nature or something, then you probably won’t regret it.”