Within 14 hours after West’s Katy Perry “Roar” contest entry was posted on YouTube, it had received more than 10,000 hits.
The student body and staff gathered on the school’s football field on Sept. 26 to film the dance scenes for the school’s anti-bullying-themed entry for a contest sponsored by ABC News’ Good Morning, America program. Other scenes were filmed by drama and dance students.
During the morning compute broadcast on Star 104.3, radio personalities Josh and Sue gave the school a shout-out.
Good Morning, America will announce the finalists the week of Oct. 14-18. The winning school will host a special Katy Perry concert on Oct. 25.
“Overall, the music video went over well,” senior Mitchell McCrary said. “We worked well together. It was a lot of teamwork; that’s how it all turned out so well. I think it vamped up the school spirit a lot. It gets people involved, and it makes us like a family. I believe that we’ve got a great chance to win.”
McCrary performed as a lead in the video as the student who first stands up to bullies in the school.
The student body’s dance to the chorus of “Roar” was choreographed by dance Teacher Resi Dolbee. Theater teacher Kelly Cooper mentored senior Kevin Hayes, the music video’s student representative, in directing the film.
“The plotline consisted of an anti-bullying premise because we wanted it to have a story and theme instead of the kids just lip syncing to the song,” Cooper said.